New NCEL general secretary announced
15th March, 2017
The management board of the Toolstation Northern Counties East Football League wishes to announce the appointment of Matthew Jones as its general secretary from its Annual General Meeting in June.
Matthew will replace current general secretary Brian Gould who has decided to step down after ten years sterling service and the board wishes to place on record their appreciation of Brian's work and efforts which has seen the league continue to develop and prosper.
Brian has decided to retain a link with the competition by agreeing to stay on as league treasurer and all the board look forward to working with both Brian and Matthew.
Matthew has had experience at two members clubs - Louth Town and currently at Cleethorpes Town - as general secretary and he will continue his role at Cleethorpes Town until the end of the playing season, taking no part in the competition business until that point is reached and no conflict of interest exist.
All at the NCEL would like to wish both gentlemen every success in their new roles.